Thursday, March 6, 2014

Life of Travel & Adventure

Travel and adventure are something to add the color in our lives.  I love the travel and the adventure.  Whenever I have an opportunity and I can afford to travel, I would love to travel or to do some adventure as often as I can.  Dalai Lama said "Once a year go some places you have never been before".

To me, traveling is a part and a tool of learning.  If  we have never moved or taken any steps, we would never learnt and known what we would see from standing in the different spot.  Myself, I open to learn and I love to try.  If we don't try, how can we know if it is good or how can we know if we can do it?  We may see the little tiny opportunity right in front of us.  If we don't try, it means we shut down that opportunity by ourselves because of whatever reasons or excuses we have.  But if we try, the result may be good, great, awesome, not good, bad, or worse.  How could we know if we close our little tiny door of our opportunity?  So I always love to try and I always say "Just Try".  Sometimes it may not work at first time but it may work at the second or the third time.  Or it may not work at all.  Someone may say that it looks like wasting the time then.  That could be true BUT coin always has 2 sides so thinking another side, I learnt, I experienced, and I grew myself. 

I might have the To-Travel List as many people do and I hope someday I will complete all of the list I have even though it seems to be very long list.  But nothing is wrong to dream and to hope about it, isn't it?  There are many people in the same with me now who have traveled a lot more than me.  I don't think that I have traveled a lot but I have traveled to many wonderful places and I did some adventures as well.  

Mostly I have traveled in my home country.  My first time of traveling by plane was when I was 24 years old which I traveled to the United States to be an au pair.  After that it seems my life is familiar to the airplane because I have been traveling by the airplane more often.  It is not bad or not that scary to travel by the airplane. I think it is fun.  It is nice to see the ground and the little houses and buildings or even the top of the mountain from the sky.  I also like the food and the snack in the airplane included it is a good time to watch a movie.  So we can actually spend some good time on the airplane if we think about it.  

After I have traveled to the United States, I have traveled from one state to another state for traveling and visiting.  Sometimes I traveled with my friends but sometimes I traveled by myself.  I also did some road trip with my friends and that was so much fun.  I love driving so definitely I love doing the road trip.  I will share you my road trip experiences and also some of my driving experiences in my future posts I will keep sharing and updating for you.  How many states have I traveled to in the United States?  Um...let me count...  NY, OH, CT, MA, RI, NH, NJ, PA, VA, MD, DC, NC, SC, TN, GA, AL, FL, WA, CA, and AZ.   If I don't miss any states, I remember that I have traveled to 20 states out of 50 states in the United States.  Not even half so definitely many of them are still on my To-Travel List.  

Besides traveling in the United States, I traveled with my aunt to Cambodia for the great ancient architectures.  I traveled with my mother and my aunt to Myanmar for the wonderful pagodas.  Also, I traveled with my mother to Vietnam where is the nice place that I did not think about it.  Another country I have a chance to travel to is Singapore which I traveled with my co-workers and I was a trip planner as well as a guide for everyone.  It was exhausted but so much fun with this trip.  I believe that all of my former co-workers remember this trip very well.  I will definitely share you all later.  

As you see it doesn't seem that I have experienced a lot of traveling or any adventures but you shall follow my posts and you will see how much fun I have done and experienced for my LIFE of TRAVEL & ADVENTURE.  Follow me!!! ^_^