Life as a Student

Who said that student life is easy? .... I don't think it is that easy.
Who said that student life is difficult? ... I don't think it is that difficult.
Who said that student life is boring? ... Maybe sometimes. But I don't really think it is that boring.
Who said that student life is fun? ... ME! I THINK THAT IT IS FUN!!!

Many people around me may think that I am a bookworm but I have to say that I am not.  When I studied in a course of my graduate school, I had to take a test and the test result showed that I have only 10% of the learning orientation.  First I knew that result, I was so shocked because I thought that I love learning so much and how come my percentage of learning orientation was that low.  My professor explained about this issue that this test indicated that low percentage of learning orientation means that that person doesn't like mathematics and doesn't like to learn in class but love to learn from experience or learning by doing.  So I totally got it!  I don't like to learn in class because I always fell asleep in class even I sat the front of the class.  I don't like reading the book because the book is always my sleeping pills.  I am very slow reader, really slow.  Mathematics is fine for me but it is not my strength at all.  I love to learn from doing, from my experiences, and from people around me.  Don't get me wrong.  I still like to go to school because I think going to school gives me the extensive opportunities to meet new people, to learn some knowledge (as much as I can grab from the classroom and the book), and to open the door for finding a job.  For my life as a student, I had spent more than 50% to study outside the classrooms or I would say that I studied at outdoor classrooms.  What does it mean???   This post I will tell you the overview of myself about my student life but definitely you will find my experiences both of indoor and outdoor classrooms from my column of Life as a Student.

What did I study?
In Thailand, we started choosing the program or what we would like to focus on in upper secondary school (M.4-M.6) which are about the age of 14-16 years old.   There are the fields of study to choose which mainly are science and arts.  Then for the arts, there are 2 mainly focuses which are mathematics and languages.  I chose to focus in arts-languages and also I chose to study French as my 3rd language because in my opinion French language is beautiful language and also I like many attractions in France as I have seen in the magazines or travel guide books.

After upper secondary school, we had to take the tests to get into the undergraduate school for obtaining the Bachelor Degree.  I chose and I passed the test for studying Political Science with major of Politics at Thammasat University in Thailand.  And for my graduate school for obtaining Master Degree, I studied Industrial and Organizational Psychology with major of Organizational Development and Consultant at University of New Haven in Connecticut, USA.

Between my undergraduate school and my graduate school, I also studied Human Resources Specialist Certificate Program and Management Specialist Certificate Program at Gwinnett Technical College in Georgia, USA.

I know that many people still think that I am a bookworm from seeing my education background but I would still say that I am not.  We will see later why I still insist that and what I had done during my Life as a Student.  Stay tune!  

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